An abundance of wild flowers

September 27, 2012By 12

Wildflowers in Tanglewood

A few weeks ago we were up in Lenox, Massachusetts listening to classical music performed outdoor by the Boston Symphony in Tanglewood. On that Sunday morning we went for a hike. The early morning sun was shining through the trees. Suddenly we were standing in front of a huge field  of wild flowers. Wild flowers as far as the eye could see. It was breathtaking. Butterflies were dancing from one flower to another, bees were busy collecting pollen, a small bunny was jumping all over the place, birds were looking for their breakfast. In one corner, almost hidden behind the flowers, we met an artist. Nina Lipkowitz was in heaven painting the beauty of the field. You can see some of her art here.

Enjoy the pictures. Can you smell it? Do your hear the whistling sound from the breeze?

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Wildflowers in Tanglewood